Uncovering Inner Worlds

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Maps of Indonesia and Sulawesi Tenggara

Uncovering Inner Worlds bridges Art and Social Science to create a reflection between two inner worlds:

  • the flow of sensations within the body, and
  • the flow of water within the Earth.

By depicting the sensations felt[1] exploring the veins of the Earth (cave diving),[2] Fabio wants to open a dialogue on how invisible dynamics affect our coexistence.

This journey will take place in the heart of marine biodiversity: the Coral Triangle, which bridges the Pacific and Indian Oceans.[3]

The mirroring of two inner worlds could raise awareness of the importance of preserving what is hidden. Today, only 1 in 3 people in Indonesia has access to drinking water,[4] yet 100 kg of plastic is being thrown into the ocean every second in Indonesia,[5] as if every inhabitant threw a plastic bottle into the sea every day.

Art and Social Science could help address water conservation in a country made up of hundreds of ethnic and linguistic groups.



  1. Hamel Johanne. Somatic Art Therapy. Alleviating Pain and Trauma through Art. Routledge, 2021.
  2. Cuesta Robin. Cave Diving Indonesia - Buton Tengah - Negeri Seribu Goa - The land of thousand caves. YouTube 2021.
  3. Coral Triangle Initiative. What is the Coral Triangle Atlas. 2024.
  4. Water.org. Indonesia. 2024.
  5. Shuker Iain G, Cadman Cary Anne. Indonesia - Marine Debris Hotspot : Rapid Assessment Synthesis Report. World Bank Group 2018.