Collective law-making days

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Subpage of Collective law-making


Inspiration to join Contribution to the group Success leaving Others
1. How citizens make laws
Charly Pache federal council overwhelmed, important information not in knowledge basis to make decisions, crowdsourcing gathering of information to citizens with upvoting, where first projects are then taken into account by public autorities, right facilitation IT world, setting up citizen assemblies
Fabio Balli focus on reducing information flow transdisciplinary
Lynn Grau potentiial in digitalization of law to empower people law student
2. Tool for co-editing legislation + templating typical swiss legislation
Quentin Adler participation in decision-making process, from consultation to concertation, concretly on regional planning (visualization of the law, co-edition of legislation, make template of legislation) attorney IT, research open hardware laws, developed contract templates
Sara Gillispie empower participants in the law-making process at small scale, scalable framework for regional planning, the citizen being part of the process and feeling empowered legal background
Guy Baconniere interest in law and sharing ideas, fill the gap between the law makers and the citizens who want to contribute, and how to formalize the law in less technical ways, extract the essence of different laws and represent it visually (translation engine), statistics on most common sentences IT
Nicolas Zahn working on similar projet on spare time - creating a platform to counter polarizing dynamics of social media, random political scientist interested in IT, worked as business consultant how to narrow the use case (rewriting a constitution, digital Vernehmlassung, Iniziativtext, work in comissions), key stakeholders,
Matthias Meier decentralize power with IT infrastructure physics, energy sector, software
Nicolas Degen law has a lot to do with code (codex), amazing tools for coding that could help for law-making -> digitalize lawmaking with templates for contract with a document format usable with git (open-source, versionning, tracking changes) robotics, developer
3. Platform for citizens inputs
Christian automated code, privacy policy generator, how to bring needs and engagement from the broader community, example of lack of participation and integration vote about electronic identity attorney IT law about law-making or beyond
Condain exploring computer science
Sofia exploring study psychology, law
Legal visualization
Rolf project on eID law, digitalization of public consultations, eVernehmlassung, tool that could be usable for eID law political scientist

Converging in our aims

  • Collective law-making process (sociological, framework of legal order)
  • Tool for co-editing legislation + templating typical swiss legislation
  • Platform for citizens inputs


Open Access publications




Closed publications